We Found the Top That Can Take You From Monday to Saturday in a Breeze

We Found the Top That Can Take You From Monday to Saturday in a Breeze

Proven by writer and former magazine editor Marla Miniano.


A day in the life of a magazine editor calls for a lot of activities—from attending shoots to proofing the book’s pages. Let’s not forget the long list of events she would have to show up for, too! Now, imagine a top that’s comfy, versatile, and doesn’t scrimp on style either—a top that can keep up with the girl boss’s schedule with total ease. Wouldn’t that be perfect? Luckily, The Ribbed Tee is here to save every busy woman’s day (Magazine editor or not)!

To put the tee to the test, we asked writer and former magazine editor Marla Miniano to create five looks to fit her usual Monday to Friday schedule with the ribbed tee as her key piece. While she’s at it, Marla shared a couple of interesting tidbits about style and her fascinating life as a writer, too! Read on and get inspired.